A Primer on the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

What is the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)?

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FIRST THINGS FIRST!--Before the Tax Cuts

Are any efforts being made to at least postpone President Bush's phased in tax cuts given the events of September 11, 2001, the costs of the war effort, and the economic recession? Sen. Jan Schakowsky is one of the few in Congress who have publicly called for meeting other domestic needs before the tax cuts go into effect. She introduced legislation on October 2, 2001, to do just that.

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Daschle's Speech, Fiscal Responsibility and Tax Cuts

Senate Majority Leader outlined the country's urgent domestic and military priorities and compared the pre-tax cut possibilities for domestic investment with the current post-tax cut reality's "unnecessary fiscal bind," but he did not directly call for a delay in the tax cut as a solution to this fiscal conservative's dilemma.

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New Priorities and Future Tax Cuts

Kennedy, Daschle and their Republican counterparts have made clear over the last 4 months that the nation is now facing new problems (on top of existing problems) and we cannot afford a debate over semantics. Instead, we must address the problems laid out by Daschle and Kennedy over the last 2 weeks and by the President in his State of the Union address next week.

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Amendment To Permanently Repeal Estate Tax

Demise of economic stimulus package brings end to efforts to make estate tax repeal permanent -- for now, at least.

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The Bush Budget: Reagan Redux

OMB Watch will continue to analyze the President's FY 2003 Budget. Please see the OMB Watch website over the next week for further analyses of homeland security spending, cuts to human needs spending, and spending increases on future tax cuts. The President's Budget is now online. The Washington Post has provided an agency-by-agency overview of the President's proposed spending increases and cuts.

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