OMB Watch to Senate: Support Grassroots and Coalition Transparency

PRESS RELEASE --For Immediate Release-- Contact: Anna Oman, 202/234-8494, OMB Watch Asks Senate, Support Grassroots and Coalition Transparency On March 7, OMB Watch Executive Director Gary Bass sent a letter to Senators, urging them to oppose efforts to scrap new grassroots and coalition reporting requirements in the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act, being debated on the Senate floor. OMB Watch believes these provisions will help level the playing field in Washington and stop wealthy interests who misrepresent their "grassroots" lobbying and coalition activities to the public and to lawmakers. March 7 Letter ### BACKGROUND Feb. 28 Statement: Grassroots Lobbying and Coalition Disclosure Are Good for Nonprofits Lobby and ethics reform discussions in Congress could prove to be a significant opportunity to level the current uneven playing field, where wealthy interests have inordinate access to lawmakers and voice in public policy debate. Successful reforms would change this dynamic, giving individuals and groups lacking enormous resources, like most nonprofit organizations, a more equal chance of being heard... Summary of the Provisions On Mar. 2, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the Collins/Lieberman substitute to S. 2128, the Lobbying Transparency and Accountability Act, legislation aimed at tightening ethics and lobbying rules for both lobbyists and members of Congress and their staffs...
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