Sign the Petition to Restore Unemployment, Health Benefits

Updated below.

Our friends at the Coalition on Human Needs are passing around a petition to "put aside partisan games, to put aside rhetoric and enact legislation that has broad bi-partisan support – an extension of unemployment benefits and the COBRA health care subsidy through the end of 2010."

Tell the Senate: Shameful Obstruction has Cut Unemployment Benefits for 200,000 People!

Action needed NOW!

One Senator, Jim Bunning (R-KY), was able to stall Senate action so that the federal extended Unemployment Insurance program expired on February 28. More than 200,000 long-term unemployed people this week alone are losing benefits they should be getting - if Congress delays further, up to 1.2 million will lose desperately needed benefits by the end of March. (See how many have lost UI this week in your state*:

Please sign this petition to let the Senate know you think this is absolutely shameful.

And please forward this request to everyone you know.

For background on the issue, see Gary's post from yesterday.

UPDATE: Zaid Jilani at Think Progress found this gem from 2003:

...Bunning not only voted for an unemployment extension but also put out a glowing press release lauding the extension of unemployment benefits as “hopeful news for our most needy families in Kentucky

UPDATE II: Bunning relents, bill sent to Obama's desk

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