Economy and Jobs Watch: CBO Projecting Large Deficits

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today released their baseline budget estimates for 2005-2014. The analysis shows that in 2004 deficits will likely reach $477 billion - which is 4.2% of GDP - and that deficits will continue over the next decade, reaching a cumulative $1.9 trillion baseline over the next 10 years.

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Economy and Jobs Watch: Lowering the Deficit Bar

According to the president's State of the Union address, the administration claims it will "cut the deficit in half over the next five years."

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The Bush Tax

While much has been made of 2001 and 2003 tax legislation, much less attention has been paid to the hidden “Bush Tax.”

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Economy and Jobs Watch: Consumer Debt Increases, Savings Rate Down

While very recent economic news shows some long-overdue strength – gross domestic product grew at an 8.2% annual rate in the third quarter – mounting levels of both public and private debt remain a concern, both for the near future as well for the long-run health of the economy.

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Kyl Still Pushing for Permanent Estate Tax Repeal

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) is making a new push to permanently repeal the estate tax in spite of budget deficits and a growing national debt (not to mention its fundamental unfairness).

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OMB Watch Goes on the Road with a State-by-State Analysis of the Estate Tax and Charitable Giving

OMB Watch’s John Irons is on the road to promote a new study that details state-by-state analysis of charitable losses from the estate tax repeal.

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Appropriations and Emergency Supplemental

Update on the President's emergency supplemental appropriation for Iraq and Afghanistan and the status of the remaining regular appropriations.

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The Deficit As a Serious Problem

Like the Reagan administration, the Bush administration continues to describe the budget deficit as a manageable problem and presents a rosy picture in which deficits will soon diminish. But like the Reagan administration these comments are far from reality.

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FY 2004 appropriations unlikely to be completed by the start of the new budget year.

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