Emergency Unemployment Extension Expected to Take Back Seat to Tax Extenders

On Monday, the House recess ends, and representatives will be returning to Washington.

Before the recess, the Senate passed legislation to extend the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program, supporting the retroactive extension of assistance to job-seekers who are struggling to find employment in a rough job market. In theory, representatives have spent the last two weeks in their home districts interacting with and getting feedback from their constituents, including on long-term unemployment insurance.

While the House was out, we learned a few new facts about the health of the middle class and the opportunities available to working Americans, all of which support the argument that working Americans are facing real challenges in getting ahead.

  • The American middle class is no longer the world’s richest. Increases in American middle-class income have failed to grow at the pace seen in other countries, and poorer Americans are even worse off when compared internationally. After-tax middle-class incomes are now highest in Canada, and other countries such as Norway and the Netherlands are catching up.

  • Working Americans are vulnerable. Forty-three percent of Americans say that if they were out of work for a month, they would encounter significant financial hardship.

  • The number of the long-term unemployed has remained unchanged at approximately 3.7 million. These individuals, who are defined as those who have been jobless for more than 27 weeks, account for 35.8 percent of the total number of Americans who are unemployed, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Given these statistics and the ongoing hardships millions of Americans are facing every day, one would think that the House would be poised to act on the EUC extension with a sense of urgency.

So what do we know about the House’s schedule for the next week?

As politicians return to Washington on Monday, leadership in the House of Representatives has the ability to bring the extension of emergency unemployment compensation to the floor for a vote. The benefits would assist more than 2.5 million Americans who are actively looking for jobs but are unable to find them in a rough job market.

But Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is unlikely to bring the bill to the floor. While speaking to an audience after the Senate passed a bill to extend the EUC program, Boehner insisted that a new proposal be brought forward. Essentially, he told the Senate to start over. He also echoed previous comments that the package must be paid for (it is) and insisted that it include “things that would help get our economy moving” (without the bill’s passage, 240,000 jobs could be lost). Sen. Dean Heller (R-NV) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are reportedly planning to meet with Boehner to discuss the bill.

So what legislation will the House be working on next week?

Tax extenders. An expensive collection of tax give-aways that overwhelmingly benefit corporations is expected to be the first matter of business for the House on Tuesday. These tax breaks include incentives for corporations to move profits and jobs overseas. Included in this package is the “GE Loophole,” which helped General Electric – a household name in the United States – to avoid paying taxes on $27.5 billion in profits between 2008 and 2012 by moving profits offshore.

The House majority seems more than willing to extend a helping hand to corporations, whose profits are at all-time highs, but for working families, House leadership continues to deliberately delay and obstruct needed assistance.


The following are resources to make sure politicians continue to hear your voice on emergency unemployment compensation (EUC):

  • Urge your representative to support the unemployment extension when the issue comes up in the House by entering your zip code here. You’ll be directed to a letter put together by the Half in Ten campaign.

  • Call your representative using this number, provided by the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME): 877-363-6141.

  • Share your story via our web form here, which we will share with representatives and journalists to highlight the urgency of renewing unemployment insurance.

  • Join our Google Group to share stories and resources with others who are either unemployed or passionate about the issue.

  • Stay in touch with the Center for Effective Government by signing up for our e-mail updates and action alerts here.

  • Find links to the Center for Effective Government's recent blog posts on unemployment insurance here.


For Further Reading:

Emergency Unemployment Benefits Bill Passes the Senate, Increasing Pressure on the HouseThe Fine Print blog, April 8, 2014

Stories of Americans Cut Off of Emergency Unemployment CompensationGovernment Matters, April 22, 2014

Emergency Unemployment Extension Expected to Take Back Seat to Tax ExtendersThe Fine Print blog, April 25, 2014

Technically Speaking: Making Sense of Discharge Petitions, Cloture and FilibustersThe Fine Print blog, May 5, 2014

Unemployed Americans Kicked Out of Capitol, Forced to Share Their Stories OutsideThe Fine Print, May 10, 2014

Six Months after Emergency Unemployment Benefits Expired, 2.8 Million Americans Left BehindThe Fine Print, May 20, 2014

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Yep...people won't admit it but when you're unemployed you're scum of the earth...Nothing but trash. Well hate to say it that way but that's what I've experienced.
Dont you pple get it. boehner could give a fat rats ass about helping anyone but the rich. It is not Obama or the senate it is stictly boehner ( name deserves no capitalization) who is making folks suffer. Remember November...
Barbara, that is only a smoke screen. Boehner is making up excuse after excuse not to extend eub.
Thanks TNT I'm going to go fax it now. And I'll do it over and over again.
If it wasn't for boehner and dirty ass REPUBLICANS unemployment extension would've been passed!
Yeah..I think when Democrats come up with something that creates jobs...boehner will gind something else to bring up and say its not enough. Sorry ass motherf#&ker!!!
Good Morning Barbara; It's very nice to hear from You today (today that' just turn tomorrow out West). I want to Thank You for Your Feedback regarding the DC Metro Area. Your Summary sounds very Specific and You Expressed it in such a Way that I Identify with. My Former Navy background and Family Careers evolve around Government Employment; so I can definitely understand. Sis' It Just became More evident to me that Our Collective Plight was missing a Very "Key-Component". Our President is too busy Around the Globe and he's like a Rock-Star Celebrity, and Michelle aka "Ms. Bangs" She did a Cameo On Community this week. Barak & Michelle working two Careers at Once. Commander-In-Chief and Stand-Up Entertainer; Their like Beyoncé & J-Zee. Listen Sis' I Don't blame the President for the DEC 2013 Expiration Of EUC Benefits; Yet for his Lack Of Commitment To Keeping EUC Restoration "On The FRONT BURNER" like he Did with his Name-Sake Obama Care. Mr. President Didn't allow John Bobo' to Intimidated him on Advance His Cause!. We helped Vote him into Office; How Dare he "FORGET About US". And there are many Government Employees who've become Complacent knowing that it takes an Act Of Congress to Terminate their employment. And Appears to cause many to Lack compassion for others. The Entire Government Entity breeds a form Of Corruption (some Superficial & some Deeply-Roote.) Barbara, the Retroactive EUC Bill Debate & Our Hardships; Caused by the Bipartisan "Tug-Of-War" In the House; DEMANDS National News Networks (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX & Their Local Affiliates Must Cover Our Plight. IT Happen Friday Afternoon in Washington DC When a lady had a "Mild-Heart Attack'" in Front of one of the Main US Government Buildings. IT's Coverage Was Broadcast On NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams. The lady is being treated; Yet IT'S Nationally Broadcasted!... What About Nearly 3Million People On the Verge Of HOMELESSNESS. SO I Called Upon Any Bloggers From the DC Metro Area To Connect With US Here On this Site. My Prayer is That WE The PEOPLE Would Dare UNITE & STAND For This Critical Cause. Thank You Sis' for Coming Forward With Valuable Insight regarding the DC Landscape. WE ARE FAMILY. May GOD Bless US Everyone.....Amen
Lynch. Mob... fucking scumbags send jobs overseas, and feed us shit... the U.S. was strongest and most stable prior to ww2 because we were self sustaining. Japan thought we were bein pussies, but they found out real fast when they slipped up \m/ amendment #1
Shakes..you are so right. Again all i can say is Remember November. I have never been big on politics but I must say the past decade or so I've had to really pay attentio. At times I felt.like moving to Canada or England. It takes a special kind of person to torture their own pple. The devil comes in many forms even as speaker of the house.